Beyond Wallet
About Beyond Wallet
There are no monthly fees for the Beyond Wallet. This account can be used as a secure holding account to move funds to your optional Beyond Wallet Visa Card and can be viewed as a financial firewall to better secure your funds.
Free Funds Transfer to your Visa Debit Card
Freely transfer funds in real-time from your Beyond Wallet account to your Beyons Wallet Card.
Request Funds
Users can request funds in real-time and for FREE from from other mobile wallet users. No more paying 3-4% of your money to middlemen processors to collect money for goods and services.
Highly Secure Data Application
Customers can manage their Beyond Wallet and Beyond Wallet Visa Card account on-the-go using our state of the art Apple and Android Application.
International Money Transfers
Easily transfer funds between any Beyond Wallet users around the world and move money internationally using many third-party payment technologies that have been integrated into our systems
*The Beyond Wallet services are provided by Chase Bank. If you have any questions about your Beyond Wallet account, please contact:
Why Beyond Wallet?
Beyond Wallet Visa Card
The optional Beyond Wallet Via Card provides customers with even more ways to use their money and at no cost. Easily sign up for Direct Deposit and get your payroll 2-3 days earlier. Funds can be withdrawn at virtually any ATM around the world as well as used anywhere Visa Debit is accepted. All funds are FDIC insured.